

Sponsorship Options

We can't overstate our appreciation for our sponsors and advertisers! Do you want to get involved in supporting the festival financially? Here are some of the ways you can get involved:

Volunteer expenses: $100/day

A lot of volunteer hours go in to the festival. Like, a lot. We have 20+ volunteers at the festival every day doing everything from assisting adjudicators and managing doors at venues to entering marks and making sure the office is running smoothly. Since our volunteers are giving us their time, we don't think it's fair to also ask them for their money! That's why we cover things like parking (not free at the U of S!) and coffee. You can partner with us to provide those things to our volunteers for a day! $100 helps offset the cost of parking in the paid U of S lots and allows us to stock our office with coffee and snacks for our awesome volunteer team.

Benefits for you: addition of your business's name to our "Thank-you banner" (displayed prominently at festival venues), signage in the office for the day of your sponsorship, a social media shout out from Saskatoon Music Festival, and addition of your business name to the thank-you page in our program.


Adjudicator lunch: $150/day

Our adjudicators are kept pretty busy at the festival, but we always make sure they have the time - and money - to eat! Sponsoring $150 for a day of lunches for our adjudicators means we're able to keep providing them with per diems and order-in options to make their days a little simpler. If you're in the restaurant or catering business and would like to provide the meals yourself, we can arrange that too!

Benefits for you: addition of your business's name to our "Thank-you banner" (displayed prominently at festival venues), a social media shout out from Saskatoon Music Festival, and addition of your business name to the thank-you page in our program.

Welcome gifts for adjudicators: $200

We like to make sure our adjudicators know how much we appreciate them. One of our traditions at the Saskatoon Music Festival is to provide a small gift to each adjudicator at the beginning of their festival contract. We especially like to look for gifts that represent Saskatoon! In the past, we've provided items like toques, mugs, and pens. Nothing extravagant - just a token of our appreciation. For just $200, you can help us provide these gifts to our 12 adjudicators. If you have a small business and would like to donate merch from your shop for us to give, that's even better! 

Benefits for you: addition of your business's name to our "Thank-you banner" (displayed prominently at festival venues), a social media shout out from Saskatoon Music Festival, and addition of your business name to the thank-you page in our program. 

Adopt an adjudicator: $600/day, or $1500-$4000 for a full contract

Our adjudicators are integral to the success of our festival! In addition to paying our adjudicators per day of work, we also grant them per diems and ensure they have adequate transportation to and from the festival venue. This all adds up! You can help by "adopting an adjudicator" for one day. $500 goes a long way towards helping us provide our adjudicators with a great experience so that they can provide the festival with their best. 

Benefits for you: addition of your business's name to our "Thank-you banner" (displayed prominently at festival venues), inclusion of business name in program with adjudicator bio, a social media shout out from Saskatoon Music Festival, and business signage on the venue door for each day of your sponsorship.

Festival runner: $1000/week

During the week of the General festival (April 28 to May 4 in 2025), we like to have a person on-site who we refer to as the "runner". This person is responsible for attending to odd jobs and requests throughout the week. Their primary job is to drive the adjudicators back and forth between their accommodations and the festival venue. Other responsibilities might include picking up lunch for an adjudicator who's running behind, making a quick trip to Staples if the office runs out of paper clips, and ensuring that Convo gets everything they need from our office in the Ed building. It's a busy job, and because we're essentially asking this individual to be available at all hours of the day for a week straight, we pay them! $1000 for the week covers mileage on their vehicle as well as a personal honorarium. If you'd like to get involved, sponsoring this cost helps us hire this individual without putting financial strain on our resources. If you'd like to get involved even more, consider giving employees from your business time off to volunteer in this role!

Benefits for you: addition of your business's name to our "Thank-you banner" (displayed prominently at festival venues), a social media shout out from Saskatoon Music Festival, a free full-page advertisement in our program, and addition of your business name to the thank-you page in our program.

Festival naming rights / program printing: $5000/year

Do you want your business to be seen more prominently? For $5000, you can purchase naming rights for the festival year. This provides our festival with the capital needed to print our programs and other advertising materials, and provides your business with unmatched advertising!

Benefits for you: naming rights for the festival year (festival will be known as Saskatoon [Business] Music Festival, or another agreed-upon name, and be referred to as such in all printed and spoken communications for the duration of the sponsorship), your business's logo on the cover of our program, place of honour for your business's name on our "thank-you banner" (displayed prominently at festival venues), and a social media shout out from Saskatoon Music Festival.